Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Wen-Shin Lee and Annie Cuyt (University of Antwerp, Belgium) visited on April 23-27 and December 10-22 in the context of the TOURNESOL project .

  • Nelly Villamizar (University of Oslo, Norway) visited us from March 28 to May 15, to collaborate with B. Mourrain on splines spaces, in the context of the ITN Marie-Curie SAGA.

  • Ibrahim Adamou (University of Cantabria, Spain) visited us from September 30 to October 8 to collaborate with B. Mourrain on Voronoï diagrams of half-lines and robust geometric computation, for his secondement in the context of the ITN Marie-Curie SAGA.

  • Gang Xu visited Inria and the university of Nice from November 1 to November 8 in the context of the CNRS-NSFC collaboration program.

  • Xiao-Shan Gao and Jingsan Chen (Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing) visited from July 18 to July 20.

  • George Labahn (University of Waterloo, Canada) visited from July 16 to July 22 to explore new collaboration topics with Evelyne Hubert.